Memento mori, “Remember you will die”, is a common theme in Stoic, Tantric, and Tibetan Buddhist literature, and is woven through ages of art and music. This recognition and acceptance of mortality has sparked in me a greater compassion for people.
The next time some jerk cuts you off in traffic, take a moment to consider the fact that they will die one day. Don’t feel bad if it makes you smile…
Mondays with Mori was a therapy journal that jumped the tracks. Many psychologists posit that the fear of death is the primary fear, and all other fears are built upon that. So what if we make friends with Death? Mori also helps me with life decisions, such as cupcake or no cupcake.
You can count on Mori and his scrappy crew to pack snowballs of sarcasm, wit, or absurdity and push a rock of wisdom into the center.
THHWAACK – OWW! Truth hurts sometimes.